Detergents for hotels from UHT

The image of the hotel industry is formed by various components, including the quality and range of offered services, the qualification level of staff, quality of service, external perception and its internal atmosphere. In this process, external perception plays a primary role, because it is very nice to be in a clean, bright and tidy room. To maintain the high standards of cleanliness, the hotel has the appropriate staff - maids, they carry out daily, general cleaning and cleaning on departure guests, products from the UHT help them to do it.

Improper selection or technology of using products can damage the surface, that needs cleaning. That is why our company's portfolio includes products that effectively remove various types of contaminations and provide thorough care for coatings and surfaces. Highly qualified specialists of our company will help to choose the range of products according to the equipment, exposure time and type of treated surface.

01 Toilet room
02 Sanitary surfaces
03 Kitchen
04 Guest area
Toilet room
Sanitary surfaces
Guest area
Other solutions
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Restaurants, bars, cafes
Restaurants, bars, cafes
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All products are safe, following the instructions for use.
Products are not harmful to the environment
Quality standards
The products meet international quality standards.